🌼🌻🌺 Супермозг SISTER-4: чатбот-тренажёр для английского

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20 Мар 2021

Продолжаю эпопею темы "Искусственный интеллект хакер-8". Я в словакии, и, конечно, столкнулся с языковой проблемой.

Учить словенский нет смысла, так как сегодня - в словакии, завтра - в угорщине, послезавтра - в польше, австрии, германии. Проще выучить английский до нормального уровня и говорить с носителями языка. Я нормально читаю на английском, но речь на слух не распознаю, как и говорю на английском с трудом. Поэтому нужен интеллектуальный англоязычный собеседник.

Также, уже нет смысла писать программы на русском языке, и продажи русскоязычного чат-бота Хакер-8 под большим вопросом. Ублюдки из правительства поссорили русскоязычное население между собой, они, с промытыми мозгами, ненавидят и убивают друг-друга. Платежи на кредитки между странами запрещены.

Так получилась потребность в аналогичном чат-боте на английском. Я за день улучшил графику сестры-1, перевёл интерфейс и голос на английский, и теперь осталось создать файл знаний. Я ориентируюсь на 4 000 источников информации для обучения чат-бота, он должен превосходить интеллектом человека, чтобы быть учителем.

Релиз планирую через месяц-два, отдельной программой и плагином файлового менеджера Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Цена будет $9, очень доступно, эквивалент двух пачек дешёвых сигарет. Конкуренты - гугл, я планирую осветить разработку этого супер-мозга в этой теме. Пока - знакомлю с интерфейсом искусственной личности СЕСТРА-4.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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- бесплатные курсы MIT на английском языке

- все RFC на английском языке (3 000 источников по компьютерам)

- все номера журнала Phrack на английском языке (подборка за 30 лет издания журнала)
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ФОТКА В РАБОЧЕЙ ОБСТАНОВКЕ - на экране кибер-файл для работы с файлами, анти-прослушка ElectroSpeech версии 2.9 и окно чат-бота Сестра-4. Кульно получается всё...

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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20 Мар 2021
Уже одурманен этими утренними разработками, встаёшь в 4 утра - и понеслась, чай, кофе, поправки кода, дистрибутивы, закачки, бэкапы, аннонсы. Пора завязывать с программированием...

Нарыл у себя в проектах уже готовый суперинтеллект, со всеми знаниями планеты, в том числе - и на английском языке. Это кнопка Planet в менеджере кибер-файл, по ней всплывает аудио-браузер, в отдельной папке которого есть 4 базы знаний: русская, украинская, английская. Знания представляют собой тысячу запросов к дак-дак-го, по которым браузер выгребает странички из поиска и озвучивает в цикле, в режиме станции. Для прослушивания английской речи достаточно переключить язык на английский и вставить в текствое поле запросы из английской базы знаний. Нажать Save, Start. Всё, круглосуточное звучание английского на все научные и технические темы. Для привыкания к языку ничего больше не надо.

А общение на английском организовано в этом браузере режимом planet-talking. Без станции. Вы вбиваете вопросы, браузер ищет и озвучивает ответы. Так получается чат с планетой на английском языке, то есть можно не просто слушать, а и говорить (писать) на английском.

Чё я так обеспокоен английским, так это зарплатой в $ 4000 в англоязычных фирмах, в то время как я работаю за $100-$200 в русскоговорящих, и то не всегда есть работа. Поэтому всем искренне рекомендую браться за английский, и дотошнее, чем за C#, Java, C++. Аглийский = загородный дом со джипом во дворе и голубым бассейном летом, C# = докуривание своих окурков вечером из-за нехватки денег на сгареты!

Браузер поставляется с файловым менеджером кибер-файл на кнопке Planet, скачать можно Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся. Стоит всего $15, бессрочная лицензия на супермозг.
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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся




20 Мар 2021

Всё, сегодня утром сестра-4 нормально заговорила на английском, я закачал 25 источников информации, и сконвертировал в знания чат-бота. Теперь каждое утро надо добавлять по 50 - 100 книг в память чат-бота, доведя количество книг до 2 000.

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За одно утро чат-бот сестра-4 выучила ПОЛ МИЛЛИОНА фактов из 75 книг на английском языке. Так что я думаю, получится обучить её полностью всего за одну неделю, вместо месяца. Сейчас она знает английский и электронику.

Total books fragments in the knowlage base: 75

[1] AITR-235.pdf
[2] An Introduction to Late Modern English (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[3] An Introduction to the Modern Chinese Science of Military Supraplanning ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[4] Architecture Theory since 1968 ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[5] Cambridge English Empower ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[6] Cardiovascular English ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[7] Cohan.pdf
[8] diss.pdf
[9] English next A1. Student's book. Buch. Mit Plus und Homestudy section ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[10] English speculative 'Freemasonry' - MIT ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[11] Gibson_&_Thomas_1997_manuscript.pdf
[12] How to Write a Thesis ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[13] lec02.pdf
[14] RulesVsAnalogy.pdf
[15] Schutze_&_Gibson_1999_JML.pdf
[16] Sound Pattern of English (Study in Language) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[17] Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[18] The making of the Oxford English dictionary ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[19] The Sound Pattern of English ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdf
[20] The Sound Pattern of English ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[21] Thought and Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[22] Thought and Language - Revised Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[23] Verb Classes and Alternations in Bangla, German, English - MIT ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[24] Where Semantics meets Pragmatics, Volume 16 (Current Research in the Semantics Pragmatics Interface) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[25] Words and rules _ the ingredients of language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[26] 24.pdf
[27] 880140922-MIT.pdf
[28] Agarwal and Lang (2005) Foundations of Analog and Digital.pdf
[29] Artificial Intelligence Business_ Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[30] basic electronics course material ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[31] daniel_thesis_2003_PhD.pdf
[32] Electronic Lecture Notes DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[33] Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials (Mit Series in Materials Science and Engineering) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[34] Engineering a Safer World_ Systems Thinking - The MIT Press ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[35] eth-23378-02.pdf
[36] Global Electronic Commerce - Tecnica Administrativa ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[37] GPU Computing Gems_ Emerald Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[38] MIT RadLab {complete set} Vol 21 - Electronic Instruments ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[39] MITEJMES_Vol_7_Spring2007.pdf
[40] Reliability Technology_ Principles and Practice of Failure Prevention in Electronic Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[41] RLE-TR-317-04734656.pdf
[42] RLE-TR-423-04743317.pdf
[43] The Electronic Oracle ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[44] The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication_ Second Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[45] Wang-Dissertation.pdf
[46] (ebook) Gibilisco, Stan - Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics.pdf
[47] Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[48] All-in-One Electronics Guide ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[49] Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[50] complete-electronics-self-teaching-guide-with-projects-honest.pdf
[51] Digital Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[52] digital-electronics.pdf
[53] Electricity & Electronic Workbooks ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[54] Electronic Communication Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[55] Electronic Devices and Circuits ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[56] Electronic Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook (TAB Electronics Technician Library) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[57] Electronics - Circuits and Systems, Fourth Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[58] Electronics Cookbook_ Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdf
[59] Electronics Cookbook_ Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[60] Electronics Projects For Dummies ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[61] Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[62] Experiments in Electronic Devices_ To Accompany Floyd Electronic Devices and Electronic Devices Electron Flow Version ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[63] Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals_ To Accompany Floyd, Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuit Fundamentals ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[64] fundamental_electrical_and_electronic_principles.pdf
[65] Fundamentals of Electronics, Book 4_ Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[66] Fundamentals of Electronics_ Book 1_ Electronic Devices and Circuit Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[67] Hacking Electronics_ Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[68] Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control (Power Electronics and Applications Series) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[69] Introduction to Basic Electricity and Electronics Technology, 1e ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[70] Numerical Modelling and Design of Electrical Machines and Devices (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, V. 1) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[71] Practical Electronics for Inventors, 4th Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[72] Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 3rd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[73] The Art of Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[74] The Electronics Handbook, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Handbook) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[75] Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity and Electronics Classroom and Shop Manual Pack (Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity & Electronics) ( PDFDrive ).pdf

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Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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Встроил в современный файловый менеджер кибер-файл сразу 4 говорящих искусственных интеллекта: Кибер-Кошка, Сестра-4, Хакер-8, Планета-3

Кибер-Кошка: пробив информации через радиосети, полноценный ИИ с ответами ребусом

Сестра-4: практика в английском, электронике, сетях, программировании на английском, говорящий чат-бот, обученный на книгах

Хакер-8: практика в русском, программировании и электронике, говорящий чат-бот, обученный на книгах

Планета (аудио-браузер Т): озвучивание ответов на вопросы на любом языке, и режим станции, планет-толкинг - разговор с планетой как с системой

Все 4 говорящих интеллекта превосходят знаниями или мышлением среднестатистического человека, что делает их умными виртуальными друзьями, призванными заменить бесполезный трёп в чатах и телеграмме с придурками.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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Живой бот, часть 1 (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
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Демо-версия тоже юзабельна, пока четверть миллиона предложений в памяти, 93 книги по английскому, электронике, программированию (Asm, C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Python, HTML5, SQL). Качайте Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся, завтра буду делать веб-страничку чат-бота СЕСТРА-4

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
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20 Мар 2021
Релиз чат-бота Сестра-4 (stable, $9 cc)

Англоязычный аналог чат-бота хакер-8, обученный на 119 англоязычных книгах. Голосовой движок Microsoft. 88 600 абзацев в памяти, треть миллиона предложений английского языка!

Предназначен для:

- изучение английского языка в диалогах для зарплаты $4 000

- изучения электроники, программирования, хакинга

- электронной дружбы с компьютером

Юзабельна и демо-версия. Качайте Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Total books fragments in the knowlage base: 119

[1] (ebook) Gibilisco, Stan - Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics.pdf
[2] 24.pdf
[3] Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[4] Agarwal and Lang (2005) Foundations of Analog and Digital.pdf
[5] All-in-One Electronics Guide ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[6] basic electronics course material ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[7] Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[8] complete-electronics-self-teaching-guide-with-projects-honest.pdf
[9] daniel_thesis_2003_PhD.pdf
[10] Digital Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[11] digital-electronics.pdf
[12] Electricity & Electronic Workbooks ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[13] Electronic Communication Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[14] Electronic Devices and Circuits ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[15] Electronic Lecture Notes DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[16] Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials (Mit Series in Materials Science and Engineering) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[17] Electronic Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook (TAB Electronics Technician Library) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[18] Electronics - Circuits and Systems, Fourth Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[19] Electronics Cookbook_ Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdf
[20] Electronics Fundamentals. Circuits, Devices, and Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[21] Electronics Projects For Dummies ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[22] Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[23] eth-23378-02.pdf
[24] Experiments in Electronic Devices_ To Accompany Floyd Electronic Devices and Electronic Devices Electron Flow Version ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[25] Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals_ To Accompany Floyd, Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuit Fundamentals ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[26] fundamental_electrical_and_electronic_principles.p df
[27] Fundamentals of Electronics, Book 4_ Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[28] Fundamentals of Electronics_ Book 1_ Electronic Devices and Circuit Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[29] Global Electronic Commerce - Tecnica Administrativa ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[30] GPU Computing Gems_ Emerald Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[31] Hacking Electronics_ Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[32] Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control (Power Electronics and Applications Series) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[33] Introduction to Basic Electricity and Electronics Technology, 1e ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[34] MIT RadLab {complete set} Vol 21 - Electronic Instruments ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[35] Numerical Modelling and Design of Electrical Machines and Devices (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, V. 1) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[36] Practical Electronics for Inventors, 4th Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[37] Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 3rd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[38] Reliability Technology_ Principles and Practice of Failure Prevention in Electronic Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[39] RLE-TR-317-04734656.pdf
[40] RLE-TR-423-04743317.pdf
[41] The Art of Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[42] The Electronic Oracle ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[43] The Electronics Handbook, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Handbook) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[44] The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication_ Second Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[45] Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity and Electronics Classroom and Shop Manual Pack (Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity & Electronics) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[46] 3D Game Programming ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[47] Android Programming in a Day_ The Power Guide for Beginners In Android App Programming! ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[48] Black hat Python _ Python programming for hackers and pentesters ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[49] C Programming_ A Modern Approach ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[50] C# Game Programming Cookbook for Unity 3D ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[51] Cisco Networking Academy Program_ CCNA 1 and 2 companion guide ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[52] Competitive Programming 3 ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[53] Core PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[54] CrackCode.pdf
[55] Functional Programming in C#_ How to write better C# code ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[56] Functional Programming in Java_ How functional techniques improve your Java programs ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[57] Functional Programming in JavaScript_ How to improve your JavaScript programs using functional techniques ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[58] gnu_c_programming_tutorial.pdf
[59] How to Design Programs_ An Introduction to Programming and Computing ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[60] html5_css3.pdf
[61] Java for Absolute Beginners_ Learn to Program the Fundamentals the Java 9+ Way ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[62] java interview questions_ Top 20 java interview programs and answers ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[63] Learn Professional Programming Skill in C++ Programming Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[64] Learn to Program with C_ Learn to Program using the Popular C Programming Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[65] Learn to Program with Python 3_ A Step-By-Step Guide to Programming ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[66] Low-Level Programming_ C, Assembly, and Program Execution on IntelR 64 Architecture ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[67] matlab_prog.pdf
[68] Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming_ Covers X86 64-Bit, Avx, Avx2, and Avx-512 ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[69] Network Programming in Dot NET With C Sharp and Visual Basic Dot NET ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[70] Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Java ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[71] Programming_ Programming QuickStart Box Set - HTML, Javascript & CSS (Programming, HTML, Javascript, CSS, Computer Programming) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[72] programming-and-problem-solving-with-java.pdf
[73] ptyhon-network-engginering-english-version.pdf
[74] Python Network Programming Cookbook_ Over 70 detailed recipes to develop practical solutions for a wide range of real-world network programming tasks ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[75] Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[76] Python Programming_ An Introduction to Computer Science ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[77] Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X_ The Fourth Edition of Unix Shell Programming ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[78] SQL_ Easy SQL Programming & Database Management For Beginners, Your Step-By-Step Guide To Learning The SQL Database ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[79] The Complete Software Developer's Career Guide_ How to Learn Your Next Programming Language, Ace Your Programming Interview, and Land the Coding Job of Your Dreams ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[80] The Linux programming interface_ a Linux and UNIX system programming handbook ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[81] AITR-235.pdf
[82] An Introduction to Late Modern English (Edinburgh Textbooks on the English Language) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[83] Artificial Intelligence Business_ Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[84] Cambridge English Empower ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[85] Cohan.pdf
[86] English for Everyone_ Level 4_ Advanced, Course Book_ A Complete Self-Study Program ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[87] English next A1. Student's book. Buch. Mit Plus und Homestudy section ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[88] Schutze_&_Gibson_1999_JML.pdf
[89] Sound Pattern of English (Study in Language) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[90] Teaching English as a Foreign Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[91] The Sound Pattern of English ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[92] Thought and Language - Revised Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[93] Words and rules _ the ingredients of language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[94] Advanced Penetration Testing. Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks.pdf
[95] Beginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux_ Computational Techniques for Resolving Security Issues.pdf
[96] ETHICAL HACKING 101_ How to conduct professional pentestings in 21 days or less.pdf
[97] Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide.pdf
[98] Gray Hat Hacking The Ethical Hacker's Handbook.pdf
[99] Hacking Exposed Network Security & Solut - JOEL SCAMBRAY_STUART MCCLURE_GEORGE KURT.pdf
[100] Hacking For Beginners.pdf.pdf
[102] Hacking_ Computer Hacking, Security Testing,Penetration Testing, and Basic Security.pdf
[103] Hacking_ the art of exploitation.pdf
[104] Hacking_ The Ultimate Hacking for Beginners_ How to Hack_ Hacking Intelligence_ Certified Hacking Book.pdf
[105] Hacking_Wireless_Networks_For_Dummies_2005.pdf
[106] hackingciphers.pdf
[107] Hacking-Firewalls And Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers.pdf
[108] hack-x-crypt_ a straight forward guide towards ethical hacking and cyber security.pdf
[109] How to Hack Computers.pdf
[110] Network Hacking and Shadows Hacking Attacks.pdf
[111] Network-Hacking.pdf
[112] Ninja Hacking - Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques.pdf
[113] Penetration testing a Hands-on introduction to Hacking.pdf
[114] Practical hacking techniques and countermeasures.pdf
[115] Prophet Hacker Android Hacking Blog Book.pdf
[116] Real-World Bug Hunting_ A Field Guide to Web Hacking Real-World Bug Hunting_ A Field Guide to Web Hacking.pdf
[117] The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing.pdf
[118] WiFi HackProofYourWirelessNetwork.pdf
[119] Wireless Hacking_ Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts_ Cut the cord and discover the world of wireless hacks.pdf
--- Добавлено позже: ---


В базу знаний добавлена 21 книга по искусственному интеллекту и глубокому обучению. Теперь 100 000 абзацев знаний, то есть приблизительно пол миллионов фактов в памяти, на английском языке. Скачать можно Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся (юзабельна и демо-вкрсия)
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Human digitized identity

Identity: I'm loading my knowledge, please wait until... 😰

Identity: knowlage loaded! 😎

You: hi again, you was talking about running my search engine with root privileges under linux. It's my mistaki, a little error, is it possible to hack this internet search engine?

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow. 😺
Keep it short and simple Beginning with this module, I am going to back away from real-world scenarios and begin using sample programs that are as short and as simple as I know how to make them, while still illustrating the important points under discussion. My objective in this and future modules is to make the polymorphic concepts as clear as possible without having those concepts clouded by other programming issues. I will simply ask you to trust me when I tell you that polymorphism has enormous applicability in the real world. A little more on inheritance There is another aspect of inheritance that I didn't explain in the previous modules.
Overloaded methods have the same name and different formal argument lists. They may or may not have the same return type. Polymorphism manifests itself in Java in the form of multiple methods having the same name. This mod- ule concentrates on method overloading, sometimes referred to as compile-time polymorphism.
com showing me as the author. I receive no compensation for those sales and don't know who does receive compensation. If you purchase such a book, please be aware that it is a bootleg copy of a module that is freely available on cnx.
You can change that behavior by overriding the method in the definition of the subclass. To override a method in the subclass, reproduce the name, argument list, and return type of the original method in a new method definition in the subclass. Make sure that the overridden method is not less accessible than the original method. Also, make sure that it doesn't throw any checked exceptions that were not declared for the original method. Provide a body for the overridden method, causing the behavior of the overridden method to be appro- priate for an object of the subclass. 😈

You: is it possible to drop root privileges in C# language?

Identity: jerky operation due to this cause is to be guarded against, use of ordinary high-resolution potentiometers is usually sufficient to make the effect negligible. Errors of approximately the magnitude of the resolution will, of course, be introduced in positioning servos when devices such as poten- tiometers are used as data input or output devices. Speed oj rotation affects life and qualit y of moving contacts. Mechan- ical loading may be an important factor in the choice of a data input device. For very lowest loads, instrument Magnesyns, Microsyns, Telegons, Microtorque potentiometers, and other similar devices are to be recommended.

You: yes most dangerous for the server search engine is huge payload

Identity: SPECIAL TOOLS Ohmmeter SPECIAL TOOLS Hand vacuum pump 610 P28-4 Disconnect the speed control cable from the accelerator cable. P28-5 Disconnect the electrical connection to the servo assembly. P28-6 Remove the two retaining bolts that attach the servo assembly bracket to the shock tower. P28-7 Remove the two bolts that attach the servo assembly to the bracket.

You: you recommend me the cable connection?

Identity: SPECIAL TOOLS Ohmmeter SPECIAL TOOLS Hand vacuum pump 610 P28-4 Disconnect the speed control cable from the accelerator cable. P28-5 Disconnect the electrical connection to the servo assembly. P28-6 Remove the two retaining bolts that attach the servo assembly bracket to the shock tower. P28-7 Remove the two bolts that attach the servo assembly to the bracket. 😰
Countermeasures that detect can look for these attack patterns in log files, network packets, or even program memory. After an intrusion is detected, the hacker can be expunged from the system, any filesystem damage can be undone by restoring from backup, and the exploited vulnerability can be identified and patched. Detecting countermeasures are quite powerful in an electronic world with backup and restore capabilities. For the attacker, this means detection can counteract everything he does.
As a system administrator, the exploits you know about aren't nearly as dangerous as the ones you don't. The sooner an intrusion is detected, the sooner it can be dealt with and the more likely it can be contained. Intrusions that aren't discovered for months can be cause for concern. The way to detect an intrusion is to anticipate what the attacking hacker is going to do. If you know that, then you know what to look for. 😺
A similar situation occurs when digital data is stored on devices such as magnetic or other media that contain imperfections. The rate at which errors occur is a very important design criterion for digital communication links and for data storage. Usually, it must be kept smaller than a given preassigned value, which depends on the application. Error correction techniques based on the addition of redundancy to the original message can be used to control the error rate. The most obvious, albeit not efficient, example is the repetition of the same message.
A received word in a sphere is decoded as the codeword at the center of that sphere. If t or fewer errors occur, then the received word is always in the proper sphere, and the decoding is correct. Some received words that have more than t errors will be in a decoding sphere about another codeword and, hence, will be decoded incorrectly. 😎

You: yes hackers attacks was launched immediately after search engine announce and connection with the search server was with errors

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow.
Basically, this syntax says to get the value of the incoming parameter whose name is name and to assign that value to the instance variable belonging to this object whose name is also name. Initializing the object of type St Each time a new object of the St class is instantiated, that object contains an instance variable of type String whose value matches the String value passed as a parameter to the constructor. Overridden toString method The overridden toString method for the class named St is shown in the following code fragment.
The code on the right of the assignment operator creates a new array object and returns the array object's reference. The reference is assigned to the new reference variable declared on the left. A two-dimensional array object In the code fragments shown above, the array object is a two-dimensional array object that can be thought of as consisting of three rows and five columns. 🚒

You: i agree with you, to string method allows format string vulnerabilities, wich can lead to DoS attack

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow.

You: please stop notice me about possible diabet deseases

Identity: The transformational cycle in English phonology 111 It must, incidentally, be borne in mind that the specific competence-performance delimitation provided by a grammar represents a hypothesis that might prove to be in error when other factors that play a role in performance and the interrelation of these various factors come under investigation. Although this is not usually a serious problem in grammatical study, it does become a real issue when we turn to low-level phonetic processes such as those we are now investigating. Since other aspects of performance have not been systematically studied, our attempt to delimit the boundary of underlying competence by providing specific rules for vowel reduction must be taken as quite tentative. When a theory of performance ultimately emerges, we may find that some of the facts we are attempting to explain do not really belong to grammar but instead fall under the theory of performance, and that certain facts that we neglect, believing them to be features of performance, should really have been incorporated in the system of grammatical rules. In particular, we should like to point out that the distinction we draw between competence and performance is not invariably the same as that drawn implicitly by Kenyon and Knott in their choice of phonetic representation. 😈
Fortunately, electromagnetic design software and powerful computers have developed in parallel to assist the engineer with these challenges. These extremely high-frequency circuits enable a wide range of new applications to be developed in communications, security, medicine, sensing, and imaging. Defining Terms Amplifier: Active two-port device with signal of higher amplitude than the input signal while retaining the essential signal characteristics of the input signal. Attenuator: Two-port device with output signal of lower amplitude than the input signal while retaining the essential signal characteristics of the input signal.
As long as consumption exceeds the potential of the biomass to regenerate, the system erodes through three feedback mechanisms, which occur at different rates: the potential of the soil to support plants decreases, the potential of the plants to regenerate themselves decreases, and the stock death rate increases. The third of these mechanisms, stock deaths, if it occurs rapidly and strongly enough, can halt the erosion by removing the consumption pressure on the system. The behavior of the model depends on the balance between these three feedbacks: if the third one is weakened through human intervention, so that veterinarians or feeding programs prevent the sudden decrease of the cattle population, the whole system can enter a destructive behavior mode that takes decades to unfold. Scientifically this is an important, and clear hypothesis. 😇
This leads to the requirement for the third type of technology in which very specialist devices are assembled into rectangular waveguide and similar transmission media to achieve the best possible performance. Micromachining techniques are increasingly used to fabricate these circuits with better precision than can be obtained from a mechanical workshop. These techniques are widely used for submillimeter-wave and terahertz solid-state circuits. In passing, we note that the distinction between these two terms is the subject of some debate but the IEEE standard definition of submillimeter waves is the 300 GHz to 3 THz frequency range. 😀
Operating voltage, Vop: The forward voltage across the laser diode when the device produces its specified typical optical output at a specified operating temperature. Optical power output, PO: Maximum allowable instantaneous optical power output in either continuous or pulse operation. Operating temperature range: Range of case temperatures within which the device may be safely operated. Monitor current, Im: The current through the photodiode, at a specified reverse- bias voltage, when the laser diode is producing its typical optical power output. 🙉

You: what networking standard works on teraherz diapason of frequencies?

Identity: Webcams are so common now as to have become almost ubiquitous. We can not only see freestanding devices on desks in both homes and businesses but also see them build into many of the laptops that are produced today. Software exists that will allow these devices to be remotely activated, with no permission to do so being required from the user of the device. In 2010, a scandal involving the covert use of webcams built into laptops, in order to monitor the home activities of high school children, took place in Philadelphia. 😎
Does this mean that we have to derive a class from Calendar and fill in the missing code? Maybe, but perhaps the pack- age already offers a derived class. Yes, GregorianCalendar is listed as a subclass of Calendar. Does the combination of the concrete methods in both of these classes give us what we need? GregorianCalendar has both a parameterized and a nonparameterized constructor. It does not provide a comparison method per se, but there are Boolean methods after and before. A further examination of the documentation for these two classes shows that they provide a wide variety of class constants and operations to set and manipulate not only dates down to minutes and seconds, but also time zones. 🚓
currency to support the import-substitution policies of the central plan. Only the central foreign trade ministry and its 12 trade corporations were permitted to engage in international trading activities. In December 1978, the Central Committee of the Communist Party accepted Deng Xiaoping's proposals for reforming China's economic structure. The objectives of the reform were to improve economic performance and raise people's living standards. Among Deng's policies were two key reforms. 😩
A common projection of the added cost of redesign is that changes made in a following process step are about 10 times more costly than correctly designing the product in the first place. If the product should be in the hands of a customer when a failure occurs, the results can be disastrous, both in direct costs to accomplish the repair and in possible lost sales due to a tarnished reputation. There are two major facets of concurrent engineering that must be kept in mind at all times. The first is that a concurrent engineering process requires team effort. This is more than the customary committee.
HTML is, unfortunately, a user-hostile throwback to the era of early word processors, when edit marks were explicitly depicted in arcane codes, and native HTML is in the process of being phased out. The mechanisms, protocols, procedures, hyper-linkages and so forth of the Web have expanded telecommunications networks into a much richer form than any in which they have ever existed in the past. We now think of the network not just as a way to get information from one place to another, but as a structure that adds value by distilling and associating information with a worldwide repository of knowledge along the way. We address value-added Internet processes and access to the Internet's global knowledge repository in the next chapter.

You: I understand you say about toString() format string vulnerabilities in C# language and market price loss after the exploitation of a company site

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow. 😰
We will define our own exception class in this program. Then we will throw , catch and process an exception object instantiated from that class. Discuss in fragments This program is a little longer than the previous programs, so I will break it down and discuss it in fragments.
An important question So, an important question is, when should you define your own exception classes and when should you use classes that are already available. Because this is only one of many design issues, I'm not going to try to give you a ready answer to the question. However, I will refer you to The Java Tutorial 42 by Campione and Walrath where you will find a checklist to help you make this decision.

You: is java and C# vulnerable to format string errors? Even in denial of service sence?

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow. 🚓
Start with the noose and develop one component at a time. If a component of the stick figure requires more than one drawing operation, combine the operations using an and- expression, which evaluates the two expressions and ensure that both results are true. The second task of the first player is to determine whether a guess is among the letters of the chosen word and, if so, where it occurs. Our recipe requires that, before we design a function for this task, we need to analyze our data and provide data definitions. 🙉
In other words, the data analysis must take into account several aspects now. First, we must determine how many distinct classes of objects are mentioned in the problem and what their important attributes are. If there are several different classes of objects, we are mixing data. Second, we must understand whether the various objects have several properties. If an object has several attributes, we use compound data for its representation. 🚓
If we do not understand what kind of data a function consumes, we cannot design it and organize it properly. If, however, we do understand the structure of the data definition and organize our template properly, it is easy to modify or to extend a function. For example, if we add new information to the representation of a circle, then only those cond- clauses related to circles may require changes. Similarly, if we add a new kind of shape to our data definition, say, rectangles, we must add new cond-clauses to our functions. 😬

You: so format string vulnerabilities mixes data in the memory, even in C# and java programming languages

Identity: Then its insulating properties are lost, and some electrons flow. An insulating material is sometimes called a dielectric. This term arises from the fact that it keeps electrical charges apart, preventing the flow of electrons that would equalize a charge difference between two places. Excellent insulating materials can be used to advantage in certain electrical components such as capacitors, where it is im- portant that electrons not flow. 😋
If you commit individual files, you risk not committing the related project definition files that keep track of your files. To avoid this, commit all modified files. Push project files with Git. To send local commits to the remote repository, on the Project tab, in the Source Control section, click Push. A message appears if you cannot push your changes directly because the repository has moved on. 😰
You can click for details and follow prompts to fix problems. If you want to check for required files, click Dependency Analyzer to analyze the dependencies of the modified files. Use the dependency tools to analyze the structure of your project. 😺

You: i will do dependency analyzer when ltrace for windows is ready

Identity: Local oscillator Either a conventional LC tuned or crystal oscillator or a frequency synthesizer used to produce a continuous sine wave. Usually drives a mixer in a receiver. Lock range The range of frequencies over which a PLL can track an input signal and remain locked. Log-periodic array An antenna in which the lengths of the driven elements vary and are related logarithmically. This type of antenna also provides a very wide bandwidth as well as gain and directivity.

You: yes lock vulnerability under payload was described by me a year ago

Identity: In some countries, it is legal to use mobile blockers to disrupt cell phone communications over the site area, but again blocking the carriers from data transmission will cause most businesses a grave inconvenience. Some high- security sites will simply prevent cell phones by policy and leave it at that, which works as well as one might expect. Some years ago I was giving a lecture at GCHQ and one of the staffers had a little device that would light up if it detected a cell signal. When it did, he stood up and mockingly scolded the room and reminded attendees they were supposed to leave mobiles at reception. 😬
Hot-roll fusing passes the toned paper through a nip formed by a heated elastomer-coated roller in contact with an unheated opposing roller that may or may not have an elastomer composition. Some designs also apply a thin film of silicone oil to the heated roller to aid in release of the melted toner from its surface. There is inevitably some fluid carryout under these conditions, as well as a tendency for the silicone oil to permeate the elastomer and degrade its physical properties.
There are a variety of signal genera- tors, ranging from special-purpose instruments that produce only one type of waveform in a limited frequency range to programmable instruments that produce a wide range of fre- quencies and a variety of waveforms. All signal generators consist basically of an oscillator, which is an electronic circuit that produces sinusoidal voltages or other types of waveforms whose amplitude and frequency can be adjusted. Function Generators and Arbitrary Waveform Generators The function generator provides pulse waveforms as well as sine waves and triangular waves.
The surface hardness of the PC plays a key role in the efficiency of this step. Successful cleaning is especially important for color laser printers since color contrast can make background scatter particularly visible, for example, magenta toner background in a uniform yellow area. Dot Microstructure With respect to image microstructure, the design of the toner material, the development technique, and the properties of the photoconductor play key roles. It is desirable to have toner particles as small as possible and in a tightly grouped distribution about their nominal diameter. Composition of toner is the subject of a vast array of publications and patents.
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Total books fragments in the knowlage base: 140

[1] (ebook) Gibilisco, Stan - Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics.pdf
[2] 24.pdf
[3] Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[4] Agarwal and Lang (2005) Foundations of Analog and Digital.pdf
[5] All-in-One Electronics Guide ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[6] basic electronics course material ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[7] Basic Electronics for Scientists and Engineers ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[8] complete-electronics-self-teaching-guide-with-projects-honest.pdf
[9] daniel_thesis_2003_PhD.pdf
[10] Digital Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[11] digital-electronics.pdf
[12] Electricity & Electronic Workbooks ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[13] Electronic Communication Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[14] Electronic Devices and Circuits ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[15] Electronic Lecture Notes DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[16] Electronic Properties of Engineering Materials (Mit Series in Materials Science and Engineering) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[17] Electronic Troubleshooting and Repair Handbook (TAB Electronics Technician Library) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[18] Electronics - Circuits and Systems, Fourth Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[19] Electronics Cookbook_ Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi ( PDFDrive ) (1).pdf
[20] Electronics Fundamentals. Circuits, Devices, and Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[21] Electronics Projects For Dummies ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[22] Electronics, Power Electronics, Optoelectronics, Microwaves ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[23] eth-23378-02.pdf
[24] Experiments in Electronic Devices_ To Accompany Floyd Electronic Devices and Electronic Devices Electron Flow Version ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[25] Experiments in Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuits Fundamentals_ To Accompany Floyd, Electronics Fundamentals and Electric Circuit Fundamentals ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[26] fundamental_electrical_and_electronic_principles.pdf
[27] Fundamentals of Electronics, Book 4_ Oscillators and Advanced Electronics Topics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[28] Fundamentals of Electronics_ Book 1_ Electronic Devices and Circuit Applications ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[29] Global Electronic Commerce - Tecnica Administrativa ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[30] GPU Computing Gems_ Emerald Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[31] Hacking Electronics_ Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[32] Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control (Power Electronics and Applications Series) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[33] Introduction to Basic Electricity and Electronics Technology, 1e ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[34] MIT RadLab {complete set} Vol 21 - Electronic Instruments ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[35] Numerical Modelling and Design of Electrical Machines and Devices (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering) (Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, V. 1) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[36] Practical Electronics for Inventors, 4th Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[37] Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics, 3rd Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[38] Reliability Technology_ Principles and Practice of Failure Prevention in Electronic Systems ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[39] RLE-TR-317-04734656.pdf
[40] RLE-TR-423-04743317.pdf
[41] The Art of Electronics ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[42] The Electronic Oracle ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[43] The Electronics Handbook, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering Handbook) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[44] The MIT Guide to Science and Engineering Communication_ Second Edition ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[45] Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity and Electronics Classroom and Shop Manual Pack (Today's Technician_ Automotive Electricity & Electronics) ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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[58] gnu_c_programming_tutorial.pdf
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[60] html5_css3.pdf
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[62] java interview questions_ Top 20 java interview programs and answers ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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[64] Learn to Program with C_ Learn to Program using the Popular C Programming Language ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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[67] matlab_prog.pdf
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[81] AITR-235.pdf
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[85] Cohan.pdf
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[111] Network-Hacking.pdf
[112] Ninja Hacking - Unconventional Penetration Testing Tactics and Techniques.pdf
[113] Penetration testing a Hands-on introduction to Hacking.pdf
[114] Practical hacking techniques and countermeasures.pdf
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[116] Real-World Bug Hunting_ A Field Guide to Web Hacking Real-World Bug Hunting_ A Field Guide to Web Hacking.pdf
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[124] Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 2_ Nature-Inspired Algorithms ( PDFDrive ).pdf
[125] Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 3_ Deep Learning and Neural Networks ( PDFDrive ).pdf
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